Blue Collar TV is a television program that aired on The WB Television Network with lead actors Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy....
The State is a sketch-comedy television show combing bizarre characters and scenarios to present sketches that won the hearts of its target teenaged...
The Benny Hill Show is a British comedy television show that starred Benny Hill and aired in various incarnations between 15 January 1955 and 30 May...
Comedy Inc. was an Australian sketch comedy television series, which ran on the Nine Network from 1 February 2003 to 26 December 2007. The series was...
The Adam and Joe Show is a British television comedy show, written and presented by Adam and Joe, which ran for four series on Channel 4 between 1996...
A long-running dramedy centering on the Winslow family, a middle-class African American family living in Chicago, and their pesky next-door neighbor,...